Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rebounding for Better Health

Gee, I’m back to school pursing my nursing degree so I won’t be able to post as frequently as before but I would like to tell you about my mini trampoline, or rebounder. It is a Needack that I absolutely love. I have set it up in front of my TV and a just jump on it while watching my favorite shows. I cannot say that it has helped me lose any weight because I don’t usually watch the scale, but I can tell you that it is much more fun that riding a stationary bike or running in a treadmill. All my family enjoys it too, specially my 16 year old son who likes to jump very high on it and get his excess energy out. The booklet that comes with it promises great benefits, the main one is support for the immune system since, according to the book, “Rebound exercise uses the three forces of acceleration, deceleration, and gravity to equally strengthen all the cells of the body at the same time, while flushing the lymphatic system and increasing the number of white blood cell in approximately two minutes.” And for weigh loss it says: “The number of calories burned per hour by a 154 pound person are:

1440 rebound sprint (very fast bouncing)

750 running on the ground

600 rebound jogging (fast bouncing)

420 bicycling at 10 mph

150 rebound health bouncing (very slow bouncing)

150 indoor walking.”

My only problem is that I don’t remember to bounce as many times a day as they suggest: two minutes sessions 6 to 10 times a day! Anyway, the little bit I have been bouncing is enjoyable and I do feel it is a good exercise. Here is the picture of my rebounder:

Friday, August 27, 2010

I Can Make You Thin

I am happy. It’s been a while since I last stepped on the scale and, after gathering courage and doing it today, I was surprise to see it showing 170. It means I lost 8 lbs since last time! All this without much effort. I still have my weekly supreme pizza and I do drink some soda sometimes. But I am trying to follow the guidelines of Paul Mckenna in his book “I can make you thin”. Basically, the guideless are:

1. Eat when you’re hungry. (I am getting better at this)

2. Eat only what you want, never what you think you “should” (This is easy)

3. Eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful. (This is the hard part)

4. Stop when you think you’re full. (Getting better at this too).

The book comes with a CD that supposedly has a subliminal message, but you still can understand what is being said and is very relaxing and encouraging. I have listened to it a few times; maybe I should listen to it more. Still, after reading the book I am more aware of my eating behaviors which is great. The hardest part is paying attention to what I am eating, mainly because I NEED to watch TV while I eat…. Taking baby steps here.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Sleep Apnea Video

Sorry if I was a little too silly in the video below, but my son was filming it and he was having the ball, so I just got a little carried away....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Fat Lady Reviews

Sleep Apnea and CPAP Masks

The first product I will talk about is a sleep apnea machine known as CPAP. Just a few weeks ago my doctor dx me with sleep apnea and he told me that this was one of the reasons why I could not lose weight. He told me that treating it will not make me lose weight by itself but it will be easier for me to do so when I diet and exercise. It gave me some hope.

In case you don’t know, sleep apnea is a condition where you stop breathing while you are sleeping, then you wake up and go back to sleep. This happens many times without you realizing it but you end up not getting a restful night of sleep. As a consequence you feel very tired during the day.

As treatment I receive a CPAP machine with a humidifier and two different masks that go with it. The first mask was given to me at the hospital after I when thru the tests and it is very uncomfortable. Sorry, but I don’t know its name. I will post a picture of it. I bought the second mask and it is much more comfortable. It is called Swifer LT for Her. It is less bulky than the first one, lighter and it even has a cute blue color. Even so I have not got used to it yet. I’ve been using it for about a week and didn’t feel any difference in terms of feeling better during the day. Hopefully in a few more days I will few more rested and will be able to lose some pounds more easily.
The mask on top is the Swifer lt for Her
 and the one in the botton is the one that
was given to me at the hospital

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Weight Loss Partners

Do you have a weight loss partner? When I was in weight watchers I was told that it was important to have a partner to share your successes and failures. At first I thought they just want me to invite another person to come with me to the meetings but after I left weight watchers I heard that same thing many times, from different sources. So this is the first thing I am going to talk about. But… since I don’t have any partner, you are going to be my partner in my weight loss journey. You can always reply to my comments and I will try to answer everybody.

If you ask me why I don’t just have one of my personal friends to be my partner, my answer is that all my friends are skinny, they are beautiful with shaped bodies and I don’t think they will make a great partner. Oh! Yes I do have a couple of fat friends but I cannot just go to them and ask if they want to be my weight loss partner. They might say, What do you mean? Are you saying that I am fat? And then I might lose the few fat friends that I do have. Of course they might also be happy that I asked, but why take the risk? So I think we should all get a partner if we can or, if you care to read my blog or watch my videos, why not be my partner?

Monday, August 23, 2010

My Intro

 Ok. I admit it. I am fat. I try very hard to hide it but here we are among friends and so I will try to say the truth. I am a 5”1’, and the scale says…. gasp, it says FAT.  I have not always been fat. I have some pictures of when I was skinny a few years back. But after I started gaining weight I have done everything to lose it, even plastic surgery, and nothing seems to work. My old friends, who knew me when I was skinny keep telling me that I need to do something about it. How do they dare to say something like that??? Ok. I confess, they don’t say it like that, but that is what I interpret by their tone of voice and their look, so I decided that I will published everything that I will do and that I have done so they can see it and myself too. So, What I plan to do is review many of the products that I have used and I would like to receive suggestions of other products that I might use.

I USED to be skinny.  I am the one on the right...