Thursday, September 2, 2010

Rebounding for Better Health

Gee, I’m back to school pursing my nursing degree so I won’t be able to post as frequently as before but I would like to tell you about my mini trampoline, or rebounder. It is a Needack that I absolutely love. I have set it up in front of my TV and a just jump on it while watching my favorite shows. I cannot say that it has helped me lose any weight because I don’t usually watch the scale, but I can tell you that it is much more fun that riding a stationary bike or running in a treadmill. All my family enjoys it too, specially my 16 year old son who likes to jump very high on it and get his excess energy out. The booklet that comes with it promises great benefits, the main one is support for the immune system since, according to the book, “Rebound exercise uses the three forces of acceleration, deceleration, and gravity to equally strengthen all the cells of the body at the same time, while flushing the lymphatic system and increasing the number of white blood cell in approximately two minutes.” And for weigh loss it says: “The number of calories burned per hour by a 154 pound person are:

1440 rebound sprint (very fast bouncing)

750 running on the ground

600 rebound jogging (fast bouncing)

420 bicycling at 10 mph

150 rebound health bouncing (very slow bouncing)

150 indoor walking.”

My only problem is that I don’t remember to bounce as many times a day as they suggest: two minutes sessions 6 to 10 times a day! Anyway, the little bit I have been bouncing is enjoyable and I do feel it is a good exercise. Here is the picture of my rebounder:


  1. At that caloric expenditures, it seems like a no-brainer. Will have to look into it. Thanks for the tip. Michele

  2. I have a Cellersiser - and I love mine, too!
